Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q – What is ARTPARADIZE (AP) all about?

A – ARTPARADIZE (AP) is an online art gallery.

Q – Is hosting artwork/ painting in AP free of cost (FOC)?

A – Yes, currently hosting of artwork is absolutely free. However, it may be chargeable later based on market dynamics. However, old 'Memorandum of Understanding' (MOU) will be honoured and prior intimation will be given before new MOUs are signed with artists.

Q - How do I host my paintings in AP?

A - You need to mail the pictures of your paintings clicked in .JPG format, along with the description, to ''. Physical artwork remains with you. Also, mention your mobile/whatsapp no. Selection will be done by AP panel experts.

Q – How do I describe my painting/artwork?

A –You need to describe your painting/s in the following way:

Q – How will I come to know which of my paintings got selected?

A – You will be informed via mail from '' within a week. Alternate a message will be sent to your mobile/whatsapp no.

Q – How will the pricing of my artwork get finalized?

A - Pricing will be finalized by AP panel experts and artwork will be displayed only after mutual agreement with the artist.

Q – Will my paintings then get showcased in the online art gallery?

A – No a simple documentation process needs to be followed before the paintings get uploaded.

Following details are required from the artist:

Once the above formalities are over your paintings will get uploaded.

Q – How will I come to know that my paintings got sold?

A - Once the painting gets sold the 'artist dashboard' is automatically updated. The artist can login and check her/his details in the dashboard. Each artist will be provided with a unique 'user name' and 'password' to view the 'artist dashboard'.

Q – After my artwork/painting gets sold what is the next step I follow?

A - The actual/ physical painting as described needs to be sent/ couriered to the registered address of AP immediately, along with an 'authentication certificate' which will have a picture of the artist holding the painting with a crossed signature. The format of the 'authentication certificate' will also be mailed by AP to the artist.

Q – How will I get my payment?

A - In the 'artist dashboard' there is a provision of downloading the 'voucher' which will have the final negotiated artist price corresponding to each artwork. This will get generated automatically. The hard copy of the 'voucher' can be downloaded and sent/ couriered duly signed by the artist, along with the original painting and 'authentication certificate' to the registered address of AP. The 'voucher' may be sent later also. Based on the 'voucher' the payment would be made once every month.

Q – Is there a lock in for hosting my artwork in AP?

A – Yes there is a lock in for 3 months. The timeframe can be extended based on mutual agreement.

Q – What if my painting gets sold in some other platform?

A – As already mentioned, there is a lock in of 3 months i.e. during this period you cannot host your artwork in any other platform.

Q – What if my painting gets sold through personal reference?

A - If any painting gets sold directly, the artist is requested to immediately inform AP so that the painting is removed from the Artparadize website to avoid confusion to the buyer and embarrassment for AP.

Q – I come to know that AP has this unique concept of specifically supporting student/young artists, where they can earn even if their artwork does not get sold. Can you explain this in details?

A – Supporting young and talented artists is one of the prime motives of AP. These artists confront different kind of hurdles, and it becomes difficult for them to pursue their artwork as it involves cost and delayed response. So what AP does for these talented yet struggling artists and other artists in general is explained below:

Each artist is given a unique identification number. The artist invites her/his contacts to come to AP and buy her/his artwork. Till this point it is normal protocol. However, here the artist adds one more sentence, which is the game changer. She/he tells her/his friends, family and contacts that in case they like the work of some other artist in AP they are most welcome to buy it. Her/his only request is to put her/his code before buying the work of that alternate artist.

From the buyer point of view they should have no problem for 2 reasons:

From that artist’s point of view, the code will help her/him earn a certain percentage from the price of that sold artwork. So she/he can accumulate the reference codes and increase her/his kitty. Remember, this earning is over and above the earning from sales of her/his personal artwork.

There would be a lot of ad hoc buyers who to avail the spot discount will also put in a random artist code and add to the kitty of the deserving artists. So you keep increasing your earnings through the referral scheme. Again this is over and above the artist’s earnings from her/his sale of artwork.

This additional income is especially useful for the not so privileged artists, the ones who are not financially sound and find it difficult to pursue their passion as it involves a lot of cost. For the rest of the artists also, a little more is hopefully welcomed. Hope the explanation is satisfactory.